I think I wrote this song before

Not the lyrics, which firmly belong over in Spicy Punk, but the vocal melody, such as it is. I’ve probably written it a dozen times if not more, come to think of it. Maybe after a brief hiatus from 2HTS (though video production remains apace) I’ll come back with some vocaloid.

This week, on This Complete Breakfast, Steamer has come up with a new way to create content for the channel.

Jason Gallagher
Songs and Videos

I somehow managed to not post an update last week, whoops. I got out two videos and a couple of songs. One was based on a theme of Acorns and I had some issues, so it went into Experimental. Oughta be in garbage… This week we had a theme of ‘Corruption’ and the result of that wound up in Spicy Punk. Maybe I need to spend less time learning FCPX and more time practicing.

Jason Gallagher
You'll wish it was just a movie

but there’s a song too. We had a theme of ‘makeup’ and I had a little trouble with everything especially the drums… it’s in experimental because i just started throwing effects at things as time was running out and i didn’t have the opportunity for another 20 takes.

But the good news is that i made another video:

Jason Gallagher
No song, just a movie

Wasn’t able to do 2HTS, don’t expect one next week either, sorry. However, I was still able to put out a video though. So that’s something.

Jason Gallagher