Instead I did another video! We had a theme of Ouroboros today so I threw together some in-the-box vocaloid synth stuff. I’m a little worn out after watching idol concert streams for 10 hours over two days all on JP time. The track is over on vocaloid, the video is below:
We had a theme of ‘Currents’ but I’ve been distracted by local AI so I just whipped up a lil jam more for my reward of not staring at python (and almost barely understanding why something’s not working). It’s over in Vocaloid.
I’ve kept up with the videos but I think next week I’ll just do something with Hank to take a break.
Put a new video out using the track where i remixed Mother with Vocaloid. I also had a theme of ‘Pipeline’ this week and wrote an incredibly puerile song.
So I guess I’ve still got it. It’s over in Spicy Punk.
The video is fun for all ages, though.
We had a theme of ‘Dust’ and I just couldn’t get my head around my playing today. A lot of weird effects added to almost make it sound like a song. It’s so bad it’s over in Garbage.
But in more interesting news I’ve been posting music videos of 2HTS tracks onto the TCB webpage. It’s all Midjourney and Runway stuff mixed in Canva.
We got a theme of ‘Sideburns’, I’m feeling better but decided singing was a bridge too far so I threw something together in Vocaloid. My timing was off more than usual as I didn’t have a chance to warm up on the drums . It’s over in Vocaloid.