The Urinal Pooper Collective

Hi. I’m Necro, founder of The Urinal Pooper Collective. These songs are my Creative Commons gift to the world. This only proves that I see the world as an aunt who only ever gave me socks for Christmas.

Regardless, download them, cover them, remix them… so long as you give attribution and allow others to do the same with your derivative works, they belong to everyone.

Downloadable mp3s not blogged about here may also be found under ‘Tracks’. If you would like to listen to a collection of songs, please use the albums drop-down link. You can also navigate to individual albums using the ‘Art & Photography’ link.

Since 2014, most of these tracks were created as part of Two Hour Track Sundays (2HTS). Participants are given a theme and then have two hours to write and record their track (with 15 minutes grace period for uploading).


Meat the Band(s)


The Urinal Pooper Collective is a catch-all for the various projects Necro either developed or contributed to over several decades as a home recording musician, beginning in the early 90s. His first project was NecroSadist, started with his writing partner, Renoroc. They chose that name because when you’re 16 a word for “someone who derives sexual pleasure from mutilating corpses” sounds like the most metal thing ever. Because 1) it totally is and 2) see 1. Unfortunately, over 9000 other musicians realized that as well, so there were a plethora of Necrosadists running around. The band added 1992 to the end but, that just made things worse.

Projects which currently exist under the umbrella of the collective are NecroSadist92, This Complete Breakfast and The Manatee Blood Frenzy.

Past projects include: Amateur Night in Hoboken, Domicile, 2075, 11 Days, MILFgasm, The Electric Jerkin’ Jammin’ Band, The Britany Speers Orgasm and Fakin’ It.

Necro briefly appeared in Mike Hock and the Meat Curtains, The Dynamic Uno and Rectal Thermometer.



Vocals / Guitar / Bass / Keyboard / Drums / Melodica / Harmonica / Bells / Didgeridoo / Mandolin / Ukulele / Congas / Djembe / Washboard / Tin Whistle / Bamboo Flute / Pan Pipes / Kazoo / Hand Cymbals / Puerile Fart Noises / Producer

The Cap’n

Special K

Past Members

D. E. Ellis
Bass / Keyboard / Producer


Jammin’ Joe

Electric Eric
Tenor Sax / Vocals

Urban C

Tom M

Domicile Lineup
I don’t remember who played trumpet or lead guitar, Zéao played drums, Dan L played sax, A Different Joe played percussion and Necro played bass.