
I started spiking a fever the other day and have been bedridden until this morning. Operating at about 40% today so they gave us a theme of ‘stylus’ and I decided to play in-the-box, so-to-speak. I seem to have created something called Future-Lounge (unless that exists? I had similar issues understanding Vapor-wave so genre-names sort of elude me.) It’s over in Jazz.

Jason Gallagher
More punk

I probably could have stuck this under the regular punk but I thought the metaphor was way too on the nose to get away with that so it’s under Spicy Punk. We got a theme of ‘orange juice and toothpaste’ which we’ve apparently had as a theme before but it was on a week a lot of the core folks were out anyway.

I won’t have a new track next week but I’ll try and get a new one the week after so please stay patient!

Jason Gallagher
Lets go!!!!


We had a theme of Momentum so I made a “Let’s Go!” kind of song, but wrote my usual dumb lyrics which relegated it to Spicy Punk. I have some video fo Powertable 9k I’m going to edit, eventually. I quickly remembered how much I hated setting up video. And the sound is going to be subpar because this was just test footage.

Jason Gallagher