I started spiking a fever the other day and have been bedridden until this morning. Operating at about 40% today so they gave us a theme of ‘stylus’ and I decided to play in-the-box, so-to-speak. I seem to have created something called Future-Lounge (unless that exists? I had similar issues understanding Vapor-wave so genre-names sort of elude me.) It’s over in Jazz.
They gave us a theme of ‘airbag’. I don’t know what I was doing, i might have stolen a lick from Pink Moon in there at one point. Anyway, it’s over in ‘Soft Rock’ for some unfathomable reason.
But don’t worry, i’m also procrastinating on dozens of other things!
Anyway we got a theme of “knee jerk reflex” and I made whatever this is. I stuck it under punk but probably should be under garbage.
I probably could have stuck this under the regular punk but I thought the metaphor was way too on the nose to get away with that so it’s under Spicy Punk. We got a theme of ‘orange juice and toothpaste’ which we’ve apparently had as a theme before but it was on a week a lot of the core folks were out anyway.
I won’t have a new track next week but I’ll try and get a new one the week after so please stay patient!
We had a theme of Momentum so I made a “Let’s Go!” kind of song, but wrote my usual dumb lyrics which relegated it to Spicy Punk. I have some video fo Powertable 9k I’m going to edit, eventually. I quickly remembered how much I hated setting up video. And the sound is going to be subpar because this was just test footage.