I made a little Shoegaze. The theme was ‘jetlag’ and i’m pretty sure this is a song i’ve somehow written 10 times already and this was my poorest performance of it yet. Anyway, it’s over with the other space rock stuff. And it’s at the top of the list now but i suspect the next time i do a little clean-up that this particular track will wind up on the bottom.
i always piss off for a few weeks in November due to obligations but i’ve returned and having not practiced a single instrument (PowerTable9k notwithstanding) I decided to take the theme of ‘Birthplace’ and make a punk song.
The weight of obligations also stopped me from getting past the halfway point writing a 50k novella during november, but i put enough into the first 20k words that it might be worth revisiting. If I do, then I might make good on that promise of serializing it somewhere here.
I was all ready to write some rock ‘n roll and somehow I wound up with smooth jazz where the only thing not in-the-box was the drums. So it’s over in the Jazz section.
In other news I’m on schedule for National Novel Writing Month. But man, is what I’m writing not any kind of good. First red flag: “Well, it’s in the style of a Light Novel”.
For some reason I couldn’t get this one to sound the way I wanted it to. Despite high hopes and aspirations! The theme was Whirlpool and the track is over in Vocaloid.
In other news it’s November and I’m going to give that writing month challenge a shot. I might start posting the results here as I go, but don’t hold me to that as it’s only day three.
I seem to have peaked with Sexual Skeleton. I recorded the theme video as my new vtuber persona Yuri no Popo. The theme was ‘The Disembodied Hand, but i’m too worn out from hosting a party and watching the Sakura Miko 3D live at 5am… the day after the party… to do more than make awful techno music.
But it was relaxing.