I’ve been so caught up with PowerTable 9k and with TCB on hiatus I haven’t been focusing on guitar, bass, drums or vocals. So I wrote a punk song this week, theme was ‘Fanny Pack’. I have never worn one but by the time I was done mastering I think I convinced myself to buy one. It’s over in Punk.
But I stuck it in “experimental” instead. They gave us a theme of ‘hostage negotiations’ and I got lost in the weeds of not having practiced with instruments in quite some time. I’m busy making a powered table for my DAWless gear or such is my excuse. Also playing with AI. And decorating for Halloween…
I plan on spending tomorrow working on a track for the 500th 2HTS celebration album, so for today i did some techno and vocaloid. We had a theme of Laika. And it’s over on the Vocaloid page. As for the coloring book, I’ve heard that the UK copies weren’t as high quality as the ones people have ordered domestically, my apologies. Details on that can be found in the last update.
We had a theme of Golden Ratio and I haven’t played guitar in months. Yes I know it’s at least my second song about golden showers, but the other one sucks and i’m not going into ‘let GPT write better lyrics for you’ until I finish making an AI clone of my voice. So anyway it’s over in Spicy Punk.
In other news I published a Halloween coloring book on Amazon. You can see the interior here.
If you’d like to purchase a printed copy, it may be found here. It says “copyrighted material” but there was no option for CC-. So yeah, go nuts as per usual.
I probably should have put this in Experimental or Garbage but I’m feeling generous with myself. I haven’t played drums, bass or sang in quite awhile. I skipped the guitars and used Logic’s Studio Horns just to keep it different. I made a little MIDI loop in Dex, played drums over that, added bass, then horns and finally did vocal improv. People say it sounds like a vocaloid, I did use vocaloo transformed copies on the background but the main vox is fairly natural. The theme was “Heirloom” but I decided to go with Hair Loom. It’s over in Punk for some reason.