And now more spicy punk

We had a theme of Golden Ratio and I haven’t played guitar in months. Yes I know it’s at least my second song about golden showers, but the other one sucks and i’m not going into ‘let GPT write better lyrics for you’ until I finish making an AI clone of my voice. So anyway it’s over in Spicy Punk.

In other news I published a Halloween coloring book on Amazon. You can see the interior here.

If you’d like to purchase a printed copy, it may be found here. It says “copyrighted material” but there was no option for CC-. So yeah, go nuts as per usual.

Jason Gallagher
New Punk Track

I probably should have put this in Experimental or Garbage but I’m feeling generous with myself. I haven’t played drums, bass or sang in quite awhile. I skipped the guitars and used Logic’s Studio Horns just to keep it different. I made a little MIDI loop in Dex, played drums over that, added bass, then horns and finally did vocal improv. People say it sounds like a vocaloid, I did use vocaloo transformed copies on the background but the main vox is fairly natural. The theme was “Heirloom” but I decided to go with Hair Loom. It’s over in Punk for some reason.

Jason Gallagher